***************** Supplemental data files for Jeff Larrimore, David Splinter, and Jacob Mortenson. 2023. "Unemployment Insurance in Survey and Administrative Data" Journal of Pulicy Analysis and Management 42(2) 571-579. ***************** ***************** Please cite supplementary data as: Jeff Larrimore, David Splinter, and Jacob Mortenson. 2023. "Unemployment Insurance in Survey and Administrative Data (supplementary data)" ***************** Purpose: Data to replace Unemployment Insurance data in the 2020-2022 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS-ASEC) data (income years 2019-2021) with imputed corrected values based on information from IRS tax records data. ***************** Files included: CPS_UI_Imputation_nofigures_through2022_public.do IPUMS_CPS_UI_merge.do UI_mergedata_small.dta ***************** File uses: CPS_UI_Imputation_nofigures_through2022_public.do This file creates the UI_mergedata_small.dta file. It does not need to be run separately to use the UI_mergedata_small.dta file but can be used as documentation or to expand the imputation to additional years. IPUMS_CPS_UI_merge.dta This file is code to merge imputed UI values in UI_mergedata_small.dta into CPS-ASEC data downloaded from IPUMS. It provides the necessary code to use the imputed UI values with your dataset. UI_mergedata_small.dta This file contains imputed UI values for each observation in the CPS-ASEC from 2020-2022 based on IRS tax records data. The variable incunemp_impute contains the UI values after imputation. The file includes any individuals with positive UI after imputation, which includes all individuals with positive UI in the original file plus those for whom we impute UI to. Individuals with no UI after imputation are excluded from the file to keep the size small. These individuals should be treated as having zero UI values after imputation (matching their UI value from the original data).